Sunday, July 6, 2014

Why I struggle with paperback books


So, recently I've been reading a lot on my Kindle.
Like a lot a lot.
Yeah, the Amazon bill is horrific.

But I haven't bought any paperback books for a long, long, time.
Nor have I read any.
This has been hard.

I know.
I am suffering from no-real-book-itis

So I got out a library book! But I finished that.
So I'm buying this:

Of course, I haven't told my purse this yet. Meh!
I can get it hardcover for £2.81, but what was it about it that drew me to it? NUMBERED LIST TIME!

  1. Girl warrior. Cue me eating Grave Mercy
  2. Fighting. I love these kind of things, they make me really happy.
  3. Law/feelings conflict. Gotta love conflict in the head, because, yeah, it's beautiful.
The Book Fridge xxx
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