Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dr Who, and a few book things

This a review for the week area. There will be book reviews, and Dr Who stuff.

But first, the launch of RANTS, RAMBLES AND READING! Find that, with awesomeness included HERE.

And now onto Dr Who. I challenge thee to be more excited than me. As of 5:30 AM I have:

  • Squealed (about 10 times)
  • Debated who was the best assistant (Clara and Rose. Take that Hannah)
  • At 7:00 AM I made my Ultimate Banoffee pie for Dr Who tonight.
  • Squealed (again)
  • Played the Dalek game on Google (2 minutes 30 seconds -beat that!)
  • Watched many clips recommended to me
  • Watched Brian Cox's lecture on the science of Dr Who
And there we have it. I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now to books. At the moment, I am reading all 14 (yes, that is 14) Morganville Vampire books. I am on #10, and am actually shouting at the characters. I have a song on repeat, and it's Better Than Revenge. And Picture to Burn. 

Because, please Claire, GET AWAY FROM SHANE. But I love Eve very much. And she has an issue with vampires (kinda-she still has a vamp boyfriend). And she makes her own stakes. And she engraves skulls onto them. Would you catch Bella doing that?
Imagine the scene...
'Bella, what are you doing?' Asked Edward.
'Oh, you know, just staking one of those multiple vampires that want to kill me.' Bella replied.
'Bella NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You might get feminist ideas!'
------------------------------------------(line break)---(A few days later)----------------------------------
Bella and Edward walked into school. Edward went first through the door and slammed it in Bella's face. Edward got arrested for abuse and they all lived happily ever after. The end.

And now I'm off to eat biscuits. And think of Doctor Who. And drink the Ultimate Orange Tea (it's amazing). 
See y'all soon!
The Book Fridge
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