Saturday, February 7, 2015

Review number something I don't know

Again, no pictures many apologies I am on a mac and don't know how to work it.

Am today reviewing Finding Mercy by Michael Landon.
I was given this for free on Netgalley, and my only reimbursement was that I got to read it yay :-).

So the review:

I actually really enjoyed this book. Was I expecting to? No way on earth!
Mercy has lost her memory, and she can't remember where she has come from or what she was like. Effectively she has reinvented herself. People are chasing after her, which leads her to be captured. She sees a portrait that reminds her of her past life, and then off she and Elijah go to find her family.

This has been billed as a historic romance, which it kinda is. It is very in keeping with 19th century etiquette-aka no contact whenever. None at all. It ends well and made me feel happy because yay happy endings.

I found Finding Mercy better than I expected, as I have already said. The characters were really well developed, as was the plotline. Finding Mercy is a powerful story of prejudice and justice. I loved every moment of it.
Four out of five stars.

There you are!
The Book Fridge xxx
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