Well, hello to you.
A few weeks ago, I got very, very excited because I was offered a review copy of Antiphony by Chris Katsaropoulos. I love being offered these things, because they make me very happy. Since then, I have read it (whilst reading a new novel, so be fair guys) and thought it would be nice if I could review it.
Let's look at the blurb:
In this novel that explores the intersection of science and spirituality, Theodore Reveil, one of the leading lights in string theory physics, is on his way to present his latest research at a triumphant meeting of his colleagues from around the world when he realizes that he has lost the notes for his presentation. Verging on panic, he is in the middle of ransacking his hotel room for the missing notes when he is stopped in his tracks by a voice—and a vision. Shaken by what he has just experienced, he takes the stage to deliver his speech, note-less. In the midst of his distraction and confusion, he poses the question “What if the Universe, instead of being a giant machine, is really a giant thought?” Then, before his astonished colleagues, Theodore makes an even bolder assertion: “The unsolvable terms in our equations may be road signs pointing to consciousness—to God—as the missing piece of the puzzle.” Antiphony traces the downward spiral of Theodore’s career in the wake of his controversial statements, as well as the remarkable transformation that threatens to lead him to the depths of madness—or the revelation of the Final Theory, the ultimate secret of the universe. Readers interested in the nature of the universe, consciousness, and spirit will find this novel engaging, entertaining, and thought-provoking.
Rating: 8/10
People who should read it: Atheists, Christians, RS teachers, physicists, anyone considering law, lecturing or physiology. People who need a life lesson.
Author: A poet, author and publishing guru.
My synopsis in a sentence: What is the universe?
My cover impression: It looks gorgeous, and a bit like a black hole...
My review: I think that this book posed some really good life questions. Personally, I don't believe in a 'higher being', but i viewed this book from a non-biased POV. Theodore, a string theory physicist, is on his way to a presentation-thingy, when he realises that his notes are gone. He presents without them, and poses some very controversial ideas. The unravelling of his career, told through Theodore's thoughts, is followed, also sometimes in too much detail. I mean, do I really need to know how many photons per cubic centimetre of space where remnants of the big bang? No. But it adds to the delicious characterisation that was continued the whole way through.
Did this book really do it for me? In a way yes. It is totally different to what I usually read (roll on Mortal Heart!), but I need a challenge- and a change. Antiphony raised some of those ultimate life questions that are so important, and that perhaps we need to examine more. Is the universe really a thought?
And neither, I suspect, does anyone else.
The Book Fridge
As ever, Google stalk me HERE, email me HERE and comment!This book was provided in return for a fair and honest review. I WAS NOT PAID!
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